The other day I realized that I am closer in age to those that are 60 than to those whippersnapper 40-year-olds. I wish I’d stop realizing such things. As Tracy Lawrence once sang, “Time marches on.” We can drag our feet, but we’ll just ruin our orthopedic shoes.

In the book “Life is Hard”, the author, Kieran Setiya, speaks about the age-old question, “What’s the meaning of life?” He posits that a more useful question is, “What does it mean to live a good human life?” Good question.

From July 1st through July 17th, I was fortunate enough to have had the time to hang out in Lignite. Celebrating Independence Day, taking in several of my nephew Otto’s baseball games, overindulging in all that a Lignite street dance has to offer, playing, singing, and learning a bit at the 109 Club, and trying to be of use around the house while my mom recovers from a triple bypass tune-up.

During my stay in Lignite, I witnessed many times what it means to live a good human life, and see firsthand what the writer, Zina Hitz, meant when she said that “the little human things” are the point of being alive. The little human things are plentiful in upstate ND.

All is going well with my mom’s recovery, and part of that success can be attributed to all the kindness and caring that surrounds her from so many. All the little human things that friends and family have done mean a lot to all of us.

By this time in my life, I shouldn’t be surprised by the way so many go out of their way for one in towns like Lignite. It is a pleasant and heartwarming site to behold, and I want to thank all who unexpectedly put me on the receiving end of such thoughtfulness and kindness with an early birthday celebration during the singalong at the 109 Club.

To have friends, one must be a friend, and it is obvious that my mom is a friend to many. As Cindy Lautenschlager-Hysjulien said, “Did that cardiologist confirm that there is a heart of gold in there?” He did, and it’s good to go for many more sunsets, fairs, photo shoots, and all the little human things she loves to be a part of.

Good human lives…keep living them. So it goes.