These vagabond shoes just returned from a few days of baseball, sightseeing, and several miles of walkabouts in New York City. I’ve been to NYC before, and it continues to hold the spot at the very top of my “Favorite Big City in the US of A” list.

I’m sure that stamp of approval puts the 8.5 million citizens of NYC at ease, although I get the feeling that the citizens of NYC could care less what anyone thinks, says, or feels. Please read the following in your best NYC accent…“We’re here…you wanna come here, fine…you don’t, fine…Now shut up and eat your cannoli, I got things to do.”

NYC is like a brutally honest best friend, “those shoes make your fingers look fat, and your hair looks like half a raccoon…the not so good half”. Also best read in your best NYC accent. Brutally honest, but kind and hospitable when kindness and hospitality is deserved.

I’m of the opinion that a big city is best explored on foot. Being on the hoof allows one customized contemplation of all that is offering itself up for processing. You can stop or slow if the mood (or a gelato stand) strikes, or you can double time it so a honking cab doesn’t strike.

One place that was on my list of stops for this foray to the Big Apple was the White Horse Tavern in Greenwich Village. The rest of the gang humored me on this excursion, and after a 5 mile forced march they were more than happy to settle their dogs on the wood floor of a tavern that has provided such a respite for the weary (and thirsty) since 1880.

The White Horse was where the Clancy Brothers