The Spring Break weather wasn’t all that spring-like, but more often than not, that happens around this neck of the woods. My wife and I had planned on transporting our pasty winter complexions somewhere sandy, sunny, and warm over break, but a transport such as that from a place such as this, came to a grand total that was bit too grand. So we unpacked our bathing suits, made room for some wool socks and thermal underwear, and headed west to see how our college girl was doing in Bozeman.

We hadn’t seen her since she was home for Christmas, and looking at our calendars, if we didn’t go now, it would probably be a few more months before we got a chance to see her. She has her Spring Break this week, and is hanging out in sunny San Francisco with a few friends, and will be off to Los Angeles for a class trip in May. Ma and Pa keep getting bumped a bit further down the list.

For your children’s sake, you shouldn’t let too much time pass between visits, the shock of your rapidly aging appearance and physical degeneration may be more than they can handle. Parental decrepitness is best doled out in small doses at regular intervals.

As is my general mode of operation, prior to heading out of town for a visit, I went “a Googling” to see what events might be going on at our destination during our visit. Turns out our trip to Bozeman coincided with Sir Elton John’s performance in the arena on the MSU Bozeman campus. One would think that the performance of a Sir such as he would be common knowledge, and sort of a big deal, amongst those that regularly shuffle about the campus, but Sierra, and many more it turns out, were unaware of such.

I’ve never seen Elton John in concert, but I’ve heard he’s not too shabby of a musician, so I ordered up seats for Dawn, Sierra, and myself. We had to leave Jackson behind in Rapid City. (Note: please read the following sentence with as much sarcasm as you can muster) He’s such a diligent and conscientious student, he couldn’t bear to miss a few days of school. Besides, someone had to watch the dog and eat the frozen pizzas before they went bad.

A good time was had by all. Despite nobody knowing about the concert, the place was packed, and Elton did a fine job. If he keeps at it he just might have a future in the music industry. He’s been performing longer than I’ve been alive, and not to be selfish, but I hope I manage to be alive after he wraps things up and shuffles away from his piano for the last time.

He announced, to the apparent approval of many in attendance, that he will be turning 70 at the end of the month. It seemed odd to express such exuberance for such a feat, but I didn’t want to appear rude, so I gave a few claps of approval for him not dying for the past 70 years. I reserved my more enthusiastic clapping for his performance of a few of my favorites; Candle In the Wind, Levon, Daniel, Rocket Man…good stuff…good time.

Have a lovely St. Patrick’s Day my friends. “Oh the summer time is comin', and the trees are sweetly bloomin', and the wild mountain thyme grows around the bloomin' heather. Will ye go lassie go…."