The Burke Central All-School Reunion has come and gone, leaving fond memories of good times with old friends in its wake. Thinking back over the events of the last couple of days it’s all sort of a blur of familiar faces in familiar places accompanied by a soundtrack rife with the buzz of conversation and laughter.

Groups of varying sizes could be seen scattered about Main Street during the street dances, catching up with the goings on of former classmates and friends. Some people could be seen migrating amongst the groups, intermingling and exchanging a few pleasantries, and then moving along to another cluster of familiar and, at times, unfamiliar faces.

Some were less migratory and seemed to enjoy the company of a select few over mass serial intermingling. There’s always those that we find it easier to visit with for reason’s we may not know. Comfort and commonalities from shared time and experiences I suspect to be a major contributor to who we choose to jaw wag with.

It seems as though when with those we are most comfortable with a constant conversation flow isn’t necessary and long moments of silence don’t carry any uncomfortable unspoken connotations. In depth conversation with everyone isn’t always necessary, or possible. For some a nod and a smile in passing is enough of an acknowledgement to get you by until the next reunion.

The next reunion? That’s the last idea anybody wants to entertain at this moment, but I hope there is a next reunion. Not for a few years or five, but sometime. I enjoyed playing a small part in the reunion planning committee and would like to thank all of those that played much…much larger roles in ensuring the success of the reunion. Their organizational skills and attention to detail was impressive, and made the weekend festivities flow seamlessly.

I am proud to be a graduate of Burke Central because I feel that as a graduate of Burke Central I am in the company of a lot of good people. Burke Central is a good school that has managed to endure in the face of many changes, great and small. It has managed to endure change and succeed because of the dedication and devotion of many caring faculty, staff, and board and community members that seem to always hold the best interest of the students first and foremost.

As a student I took this for granted. When such an environment is all you have experienced it is hard to see how good you have it. Especially when you’re armpit deep in the rarely real horrors of teenage life. After being out and about in the world of education for a few years I have come to fully appreciate my experience at Burke Central. Appreciation and gratitude seem to increase with age.

To all those, past and present, that have and continue to make educating the young people that walk the halls of Burke Central a priority in your life I thank you. Summer’s over…you’re on.