Welcome to August everyone. The month that creeps up on us like ill-fitting underwear. As we stand there picking, pulling, and tugging in search of comfort we wonder where the summer has gone and commence to plot and plan how we might squeeze all we had planned to do in June and July into the few tattered weeks remaining before the kids head back to school and that old routine revs up yet again.

Summer has a way of getting away from us, always has, and I suspect it always will. Seems as though it was just yesterday that winter seemed safely behind and I braved the jumbled mess of bicycles, balls, bats and garden hoses in the garden shed to dig out the deck furniture. The sheds not sound proof so the neighbor kids got a bit of a vocabulary building lesson while they bounced around on their trampoline.

I recall that during that fit of rage I vowed to clean that shed out this summer. I still have a few weeks to make good on that vow but the shed rage has since been soothed so it can wait. Besides, there’s a family of rabbits living under the shed and I’d hate to disturb whatever it is rabbits do under garden sheds.

There are more pressing issues that need to be addressed before the close of summer. The Burke Central All-School Reunion being one such matter that is in need of some last minute preparation. Teeth to whiten, buns to firm, wrinkles to wrangle, stories of success to concoct, so much to do so little time.

Registration for the reunion is open until August 7th so mosey on over to the reunion Facebook page and get registered. If you’re a Facebook holdout feel free to send me an email and we’ll get you registered. If you don’t have email stop by my house, we’ll have coffee, chit-chat a bit, get you registered, and clean out my garden shed.

Some other matters to ponder prior to your arrival at the reunion are that there will be luminaries available for purchase at the reunion. A great way to commemorate the memory of a friend or classmate or to finally say something witty and inspirational. Ten bucks each, you decorate them the way you want and we will have all of them lit in front of the school on Saturday night (probably won’t be the only thing “lit” in front of the school on Saturday night).

We are also on the prowl for any and all band geeks that would like to put their embouchure to the test and blurt out the school songs for the program at the school on Saturday night. A director would be helpful as well. Also, if you have a classic car or motorcycle that you would like to enter in the “parked” parade let me know.

Golf, softball, visiting…so much to prepare for. The reunion is also a good time to renew your 109 Club membership. Jason and Marsha Hysjulien are the new proprietors and are doing a bang-up job keeping the populace fed and fueled.

See you soon.