One shot at something as grand and glorious as life doesn’t seem fair but it’s all we get, it’s all we have, it’s all. One go around, one time, our time is never to be again. Some have more, some have less, we all get some but always want some more. Want more for us, want more for those that know us and make our time what it is. What’s not to want? A brief cosmic blink from dark to light to dark again. Through the ages many have, do, and will want more but want will come without and this world will move on as it always has, as it always will for many rises and falls to come. Some may have seen the beginning some may see the end. Neither is near us now so we see today, we remember yesterday, and hope for tomorrow. So fast, yet so slow. One without the other who would have known? Who could have known? Where have they gone? Why have they gone? Questions will remain but we will not. We will go. Not out of want but go just the same. Go and be gone and hope to remain through the memories of those that get to stay. Memories. How deep will memories of you flow? Thinly stir the surface and vanish without a trace or rip and tear the earth leaving a wake of remembrance stretching your life without life? Either is not up to us rather it is up to those that knew us and those that are to know them and know them and know them and…Where and with whom do we stop? When does our life truly cease to be relevant? Cease to make a sound amongst the living? When will our last light go out? Later rather than sooner one would hope or maybe one does not hope or concern themselves with such thoughts. Thoughts are silent in a world that is loud with life. One life, one time. Be loud with life and your echo may be heard…and heard…and heard…