This past Saturday was one of the first days of the year to have that full on “summer” feel to it. A lazy feeling day that directed myself and our black lab to our back porch to seek out the optimal chair angle for appropriate sunlight absorption. While peering up at a cloudless sky, soaking in the warmth from a sun that seems to have just come back from an extended vacation, fleeting thoughts of all that I could, and possibly should, be doing eased on through.

The sun felt good. Felt better than what completing a laundry list of chores, tasks, and what have you could bring…laundry being one of them. Those clothes aren’t going to wash themselves but with weather like this who really needs clothes? Maybe the 80 year old couple bent over pulling weeds across the street or the 60ish lady next door that enjoys doing aerobics on her back porch. But who am I to judge?

Most of our “Sunday bests” aren’t what they once were. This fact would be easier to forget or ignore if it weren’t for the parade of youngins prancing around in the spring rut to remind us. At this moment there’s no prancing or fawning going on within sight of my back porch. The household teenagers have taken their spring song and dance elsewhere for the time being. Somewhere away from the judgmental and jealous stares of the has-beens and never-will-be-agains. The daughter’s off at college (so she says) and the boy is out golfing with friends (I hope “golfing” is still what they call actual golfing).

We had or moment in the sun and generally gravitate towards the shade now but today in the semi-seclusion of my back porch I sit comfortably with my shirt draped over the back of my chair, bare feet kicked up, and a cold beer resting comfortably and progressively lighter in my hand. My dermatologist would not approve as I’ve chosen to forgo the slathering of sunscreen she brow beats me about every time I see her.

My dermatologist, my doctor, my accountant, my banker…all these people we acquire as we advance in years, responsibilities, and various stages of physical deterioration. At this moment, right now, I don’t need any of them. My dog, my back porch, my lawn chair, the warm sun, and a slight breeze. That’s all I need at this moment. These moments are too easily swamped in the wake of what needs to get done so I’ll just sit this one out. Just sit and enjoy. Enjoy what I’ve found today for it may be lost tomorrow.

The dog has made his way to the shade by the door leading to the cool confines of the house and peers at me from time to time in a way that seems to suggest, “Haven’t you got anything better to do?” He’s just jealous. My fur coat is nearly half as thick as his…nearly. More or less in some regions. More south and receding to the northern snow cap. Another winter has passed (possibly), another spring is here, and another summer is coming. I believe I’ll have another.