Well folks, make haste, we have just under six months to mold and sculpt ourselves into a quasi-presentable bodily state for the Burke Central All-School Reunion. I’ve got a fresh pair of Spanx on order in the event that the molding and sculpting fails to put stuff remotely close to its 1991 place by August 14th, 2015. Enough time has passed since the last reunion to have made most of our recollections of one another cloudy enough that we’re willing to reunite again.

Thus far, the reunion planning committee has a band booked for Friday and Saturday night for those of you that have the stamina to flail about for two nights in a row. Come on in Thursday night to defend yourself against lurid rumors and to renew your club membership at the 109 Club Meet and Greet.

For those of you that manage to weather the wit and sarcasm storm of Thursday and Friday, there will be a catered meal and an emotionally stirring program on Saturday night that is sure to tide you over for another ten years. There are numerous other activities and such that are being pondered and kicked about and if you have ideas feel free to let the reunion planning committee know. If you bring an idea forth, standard committee operating procedure dictates that you have also brought yourself forth to be in charge of seeing that idea through to fruition. Especially if it’s a really bad idea.

Why come to the Burke Central All-School Reunion, or any reunion for that matter? In our work-a-day lives we rarely have the opportunity to surround ourselves with people that share a reunion worthy commonality and are genuinely happy to see us or at least jovially tolerate us for 48-72 hours. Although, you most likely had very little control over the circumstances that brought you to Burke Central, the fact that you were there, that you walked those halls, makes you a part of something that you will always be a part of.

Our lives are made up of many pieces and parts that provide us direction and continually shape and mold who we are. Would you be the same person you are today if circumstances had been altered and a different school and different people had been a part of your life? Maybe, maybe not, but the fact remains that you were a part of something that is tied to a lot of other someone’s, and it seems selfish to withhold your part from that picture.

Circumstances and life events are such, and always will be so, that there are some that were with us at the last reunion that cannot be with us at this or any other time. They are gone, and it’s up to those of us that hold a memory of them to come together with others who hold similar memories and allow those that are gone to come back, if only for a little while. Seems like reason enough to come join us.

See you in August.