Thank you to all the family and friends that helped make for an enjoyable surprise 60th birthday celebration for my Mom. Light Up Night in Lignite made for a perfect cover for this covert operation and added even more people and merriment to the mix.

To the delight of the wee one’s Santa was also in the house to take in a few last requests before he and the elves begin their final push towards Christmas. Mom and Santa had a brief discussion regarding a series of misunderstandings that occurred in the 1960s that prompted Mom’s removal from the “nice” list. They had a good laugh and both agreed that she should remain on the “naughty” list.

It’s hard for me to believe that Mom will be 60 on December 5th. She makes 60 seem so young. It provides me with hope and reassurance to know that I come from a family that demonstrates time and time again that it is possible to grow old without growing up.

I’m not saying they’re a bunch of irresponsible knuckleheads and nincompoops. They’ve just managed to maintain an infectious zeal for life and the ability to weather many a storm with their smiles and sense of humor firmly intact. There are many families made up of people like this and I am quite thankful I am a part of such a gang.

Through the years Mom has captured many families on film during photo shoots. She has stopped time for many people, events, and celebrations through her gift of photography. A gift she gives of so freely with obvious joy and endless creativity.

Whenever I look at pictures my Mom has taken I don’t just see the picture on the print I also see my Mom taking the picture. Our house isn’t simply filled with pictures of our children; it’s filled with pictures of our children smiling at their Grandma. Camera or not her grandchildren are generally all smiles when she’s around.

Her quick wit and sarcasm are always good for a laugh…even if her sarcasm cannon is pointed squarely at you. She can dish it out with the best of them and will be the first one to make fun of herself when she does something a bit left of right. I shudder to think what would have become of me if I had been raised by someone of a serious stuffy disposition. Norman Bates in the movie “Psycho” comes to mind.

I am quite thankful for my Mom. Thankful for and proud of who she is and all that she does for her family, her friends, and her community. It was great to see so many familiar faces come out and lend their smiles to the portrait of Mom’s 60th sleigh ride around the sun.

Happy Birthday Mom…and many more.