Summer is typically the time of year when families, classmates, and other such groups decide it to be a good time to get together to celebrate their common bonds. Through the haze of a sunstroke and campfire smoke and all hopped up on smores we peer at those that have shared in our lives and can’t help but think of what used to be, where we’ve all been, and where we’re all going.

My family came from far and near to congregate in Lignite for the Chrest family reunion this past week. As far as I could tell everyone enjoyed the gathering or decided it was in their best interest to fain enjoyment and I even heard some scuttle of it becoming an annual event. Of course you always hear that sort of scuttle during the event when everyone’s caught up in the goings on of the moment with the other part of their lives on hold.

The part that continually vies for their attention, time, and energy. The part that pays the bills and keeps their immediate family life afloat and drifting ahead. The part that those that care about you want to hear about and have a genuine interest in. A few days a year doesn’t seem like much to ask but it does take effort and interest to have a family reunion. Typically an effort by a few and the interest of many is the formula that keeps these things going…keeps a family together.

I enjoy reunions and look forward to these types of gatherings. Gatherings where everyone knows just about everything there is to know about you and you them. There’s comfort in familiarity…comfort in family. We human types are tribal creatures and I enjoy the company of my tribe. They make me laugh…they’ve always made me laugh…and as they say, “laughter is the best medicine.” Whose they? Larry, Curly, or Mo? More like Rosalin, Joann, Mary, Beth, Tim, and Susan.

Laughter is much better medicine than the blackberry brandy Grandpa Ardell prescribed when I had a cough as a child. You ever seen a twelve year old gag on blackberry brandy? Made him laugh so I guess the medicine was more for him than me.

It seems as though every family has someone that without much effort serves as the glue that holds a family together. What amazes me is the effort it takes by many to regain or maintain that closeness when that one individual passes. I’m glad the Chrest family puts forth that effort and I look forward to our future gatherings.

As you partake or prepare for your gatherings, get togethers, reunions, and what have you this summer I wish you safe travels and lots of laughs…even if they’re at your expense. You’ll come away carrying some good memories and most likely few extra pounds. Low carb the Chrest family is not.

Happy Independence Day my friends. May your sparklers sparkle and your bottle rocket hit your brother square in the back.