The word on the streets is that the Lignite Centennial was a success and I for one am inclined to agree with those words on that street. My family had a great time. Sierra and Jackson made several new friends that they can get in touch with again at Lignite’s 125th Celebration.

I was happily pondering the 125th until I put my minimal math skills to the test and discovered that I will be 60 years old in 25 years. Now for those of you that are sixtyish and have had time to adjust to being in a state of advanced age this may not be such a big deal but for a youngster like myself this ponder was a startling revelation and I don’t care to hear another word about it. I’ve got to stop pondering, it always turns ugly.

Back to present day bliss, I’ll concern myself with the future when it rears its bald, bifocaled head. No offense to any and all of you that may be bald and/or bifocaled or are closely acquainted with someone matching that description.

Speaking of…..I hope everyone got a chance to climb the rock wall, I know my kids sure enjoyed it. I was unaware that it was free until the Sunday after the celebration, my son apparently wasn’t aware of that little fact either since he kept asking me for money. I guess he was the only kid they were charging.

The style show was enjoyable despite the homely, hairy lady in polka dots. It ran like clockwork and thanks to Kathy Fagerland I got my dress wearing fix out of the way for the week. It’s just so hard to come up with a good excuse to wear polka dots, a wig, a handbag, and sensible shoes. I apologize if I tainted the allure of polka dots for all in attendance. With a little therapy my family and friends will hopefully learn to embrace and accept me for who I am.

The music was good both Friday and Saturday night and everyone seemed to be in jovial spirits at the street dance. No fights, well, no good fights. Just a lot of laughing and general tomfoolery or gabefoolery in my families case.

I heard that the 5k fun run was well attended. I had every intention of participating in the event but my body and mind got into an argument with my mouth and stomach the night before and were defeated terribly. It seems that my right arm defected and joined ranks with my mouth and stomach rendering the remainder of my body and mind helpless and at 8 a.m. Saturday morning useless.

Besides that the softball tournament had left me feeling and walking like I was celebrating the 125th. So I set out in search of some magic elixir from the local drug store to ease the pain. I found it, I drank it, it eased the pain, I repeated. The magic elixir didn’t make me run faster but I must have spilt some on my bed because it was whirling around like Marry Poppins during hurricane season.

All in all it was a wonderful weekend and it was fun to see Lignite buzzing with activity. During the celebration I actually meant it when I told my kids to watch out for traffic. Like most things of this nature it went just as fast as it came, but like a sack full of fireworks, it was fun while it lasted.

Thanks to everyone that worked so hard to make Lignite’s Centennial Celebration a success.