I would like to commend Shelley Bartow and Jackie Jensen for their time and effort in getting the Northern Prairie Wellness Center up and running. I’m looking forward to visiting the new facility on my next trip to upstate North Dakota. Where else are going to find a room full of sweaty North Dakotans?

The Hostefest on “All You Can Eat” lutefisk night?

I tried lutefisk once and given the choice I would just as soon eat a sweat sock dipped in butter. Grandpa Ardell talked me into it, and I don’t think he was all that disappointed that he had to eat my share too. Just thinking about it gives me that watery eyed nauseous feeling.

That’s not the first time he’s talked me into doing something that made me nauseous. The cigar that turned me green, the oyster stew that turned my stomach, the pulling his finger…well that made me laugh too.

Now that all of you upstaters are getting whipped into shape I’ll expect to be receiving your entries into the bike race I’m organizing for August. Speaking of the “Gut Check”, the dates have been changed since the article about it, to August 18-20th. I’m sure your frantically checking your date book at this very moment. What could be a better way to spend a weekend than pedaling your bicycle 412 miles?

The Hostefest on “All You Can Eat” lutefisk night?

What would make someone attempt to ride a bike that far in such a short period of time? It’s different for everyone I suspect. Personally the wind rushing by as I peddle makes it harder to hear the voices in my head. It’s very therapeutic.

What would make someone live in the wind swept prairies of North Dakota? Same reason I suspect. I’m not implying that you’re all crazy. I’m only saying that when I tell “normal” stories of my life growing up in Lignite to people that have never had the privilege of visiting our neck of the woods they appear both frightened and entertained at the same time. What else could make someone look frightened and entertained at the same time?

The Hostefest on “All You Can Eat” lutefisk night?

Now I’ve never been to the Hostefest, so before I get a bunch of Norwegian accented hate mail, I want you to know that I intend on going some day. I’ve seen the line up of musical talent they have each year, and despite that, I’ll still go.

It’s almost bikini season so finish reading the paper, put down the bon bon’s, get your leg warmers on and head out to the Northern Prairie Wellness Center. Just like Grandpa Ardell told me before I gagged on that first and last bite of lutefisk, “It stinks a little but it’s good for you.” Good sound advice for working out, but it should never apply to food.

Take advantage of the opportunity being provided to you to improve your health and stay in shape. What do you need to stay in shape for?

The Hostefest on “All You Can Eat” lutefisk night, of course.