The countdown can start over again. My son, Jackson, celebrated his sixth birthday on Saturday, Spiderman was the theme. Everyday for the past few months he has informed us of the number of days until his birthday. Now that it’s past Dawn and myself have to find another upcoming special day to threaten to take away when he misbehaves.

His father, that would be me, also is said to have had a birthday this Sunday, but that may just be a viscous rumor. It is neat that Jackson’s birthday is the day before mine and I really like that it makes my birthday more of an afterthought. “Oh it’s Jackson’s birthday, isn’t yours tomorrow?” To which I reply, “Umm..yeah..want some more Spiderman cake.”

For some reason ever since I left my twenties behind my birthday kind of bothers me a little, a little more than I care to admit. Not that I want to stop revolving around to that day every year, no I like it here amongst the living, I just don’t like that escalating number attached to me.

I know it’s just a number, but me and numbers have never had a good relationship. We have a long painful history that I would rather not go into at this time. There’s two things that always make me cry, math and the Waltons. I don’t think there is an episode of the Waltons that doesn’t make me tear up like low carb dieters at a Little Debbie festival.

“It’s just a number…it’s just a number…” That’s my mantra for about a week after my birthday. Like Satchel Paige once said, “If you didn’t know how old you were how old would you be?” That’s a good question there Satch.

Let’s see, physically I still feel about 20, mentally I still act about 13. So with the tearful aid of math, that puts me at my prescribed number for this year, 33. Thirty-three, my daughter really helped me in the acceptance by asking if that makes me to old. When I asked her, “To old for what?” she ignored me and walked away. I tried to catch her but kids walk so fast nowadays.

She didn’t stop there though; while we were swimming she was nice enough to point out that I have a bald spot and a lot of grey hair. I tried dunking her but the lifeguard blew her whistle at me and said, “Aren’t you to old for that?”

Maybe I need to stop trying to ignore the birthday turd that floats through my river of life every year and embrace it with as much vigor as my children. A yearly theme party just like the kiddies. I want a Waltons cake, and everyone come dressed as there favorite Waltons character. I’ll be John Boy, since I don’t have the legs to be Mary Ellen or enough hair to be Zeb.

To old … not this year. Goodnight Jim Bob.