Another trip to Lignite and back, and still no Bigfoot sighting to report. Bigfoot goes by many names; Yeti, Abomible Snowman, Sasquatch, Steroid Enhanced Baseball Player, but lets not get into the genealogy of our hairy friend, its just too confusing.

Personally I would prefer Yeti, it just has a gentler lilt to it, try it a few times…Yeti, Yeti…kind of roles of the tongue doesn’t it. The other names just sound so, hairy and scary, not to mention the fact that I’m sure they are well aware that their feet are a bit on the large size. It’s really not necessary for us to point it out continuously, I mean my hair may not be as thick and luxurious as it once was, but I wouldn’t care to be referred to as Thinhair, Shinyscalp, or any such descriptive names.

Abomible Snowman seems a little harsh to me, and I’m sure Frosty and pals don’t appreciate being linked to the missing link family. Snowmen have never been shy about being photographed; we all have a picture of ourselves posing with a snowman. Now if we could just get that shy Yeti to mug for the camera on occasion.

Sasquatch, sounds like something you might do after ingesting large amounts fruitcake and eggnog. Not that there’s anything wrong with fruitcake, I have one on my desk and it makes a wonderful paper weight. In fact I once foiled a bank robbery with a loaf of fruitcake, poor guy never saw it coming.

So Yeti it is. When we travel between Rapid City and Lignite we always go through the Killdeer mountain area, which as you know is a preferred hang out for the Yeti family. So I keep the camera ready and have provided each of the kids with one also, just in case I’m being distracted by driving or something like that. I think my wife is frightened by the prospect of seeing the Yeti because she always has her eyes closed and pretends to be asleep when we drive through Yeti Land.

As for myself I’m not real sure what I would do if I were to come face to face with the hairy one. It would probably involve several high pitched screams immediately followed by a spontaneous bowel movement, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

I did see a white horse along the road one night by Mandaree, and I’m convinced it was the Yeti in a horse costume. They are a sly bunch, but I distinctly saw the glimmer of what appeared to be a zipper running down the front of the ‘horse’. Also in approximately the same location on a different trip two ‘dogs’ were standing on the shoulder of the road. These I believe to be either Yeti children or Yeti midgets.

Yes, I know, all of this information is quite interesting, and I will surely keep you posted on my Yeti sightings. I have contacted the FBI and CIA and they have enthusiastically suggested I never contact them again. They’re such kidders.